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Costain LTE UTC sponsorship

Contributing to a fundamental shift in STEM education in London

As founding sponsors of the school, we are contributing to a fundamental shift in the provision of science, technology, engineering and maths [STEM] education in London moving it into the digital age.

  • Service 1
  • Service 1

London Design and Engineering University Technical College

  • Service 1

September 2016

  • Service 1

Baker Dearing Trust

Key benefits


hours of employee volunteering with the school completed


work experience placements


employees volunteering at mentors


recruits targeted for September 2018

Pilot apprenticeship

centre with five apprentices studying at the LDE UTC

Through the school we are contributing to a fundamental shift in the provision of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) education in London moving it into the digital age and addressing at root the lack of Black, Asian & Minority Ethic (BAME) people, along with gender representation in the engineering industry. Through the school we are recruiting diverse apprentices and graduates, equipped with the digital, engineering and project skills that the employer led curriculum will provide.

"Working in collaboration with our customers, supporting them to transform their business service and performance, and changing the way we do business, requires new approaches and new skills. We’re therefore delighted, as a key part of our overall skills approach, to be associated with the London Design and Engineering UTC, which aims to raise the educational bar and develop the skills needed to meet the construction and engineering opportunities available to us."

Alex Vaughan, Costain’s managing director for natural resources.

In addition to financial support we have provided opportunities for our STEM ambassadors to volunteer, developing lesson plans, projects, site visits and work experience. We are very pleased to be sponsoring the Pure Maths A-level, to support the school with a subject which will greatly benefit the students. This is being delivered outside of school hours and despite this, is fully subscribed.


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