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Costain CBM training

Enabling the right behaviours for a new alliance

Our consultants were engaged by a combined authority to run a cultural behavioural management training course at the inception of an alliance to ensure behavioural suitability of all members.

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Cultural behavioural management

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Combined and local authorities

Costain was invited to work with an alliance (owned by a local authority), plus a consortium of nine design and subject matter experts along with sub-alliance partners, at the inception of the alliance to deliver the cultural behavioural management programme.

The procurement of the alliance had placed significant emphasis and scoring on the behaviours of the bidders and their behavioural suitability for alliancing. The leadership team was keen to ensure this behavioural suitability transferred into the day-to-day running of the alliance and was not just for the bid, so they invested in Costain’s industry leading behavioural management training. This was with the expectation that everyone trained would then be equipped to recognise and manage behaviour appropriately; both their own and others.

The initial training programme was attended by the alliance’s senior leadership team, the alliance director, and directors from engineering, finance, commercial, design and production.

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