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Costain makes commitment to put environment first at COP26 business leaders' event


01 July 2020

Alex Vaughan CEO was among 200 of Britain’s business leaders to make a joint commitment to put the environment first at a COP26 business leaders’ virtual meeting this week. At the meeting, business leaders and the Government responded to public demand by committing to drive dramatic change on key issues including climate change and biodiversity over the next decade to make Britain a global leader of environmentally sustainable economies.

Commenting on the meeting, Alex said, “It’s up to businesses like ours to lead this change. Costain was one of the first in the industry to launch our Climate Change Action plan in February this year. Eliminating carbon emissions is fundamental to ensure we help shape UK infrastructure to mitigate and adapt to the global challenge of climate change. Our action plan will ensure we continue to deliver and shape low carbon sustainable energy solutions across UK infrastructure. This is even more important now as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and the UK economy starts to thrive again.”

“At the meeting, we focused on the steps being taken to advance a sustainable, green future and the need to take extraordinary actions to cut carbon emissions and restore nature and wildlife over the next 10 years, driving a ‘decade of difference’ for climate change and nature.

“I was pleased to be able to reiterate Costain’s commitment to work collaboratively with Government, clients, partners and our supply chain to ensure that by 2023, every solution delivered for clients will propose at least one low carbon option, with whole life cycle carbon emission solutions being delivered by 2035.”

The meeting was organised by the Council for Sustainable Business (CSB), in partnership with Defra.